But before it could be achieved we know what ordeal he had to go through. It is needless to describe the indignities he was put to and the calumnies which were hurled upon him by the agitators and their followers. High sense of duty to put national interest over everything else, discipline to maintain the solidarity of the party for the good of the country, and uncommon courage to stand firm for these in the face of fierce criticism, are some of the outstanding features of his personality, which beamed vividly into light during this critical period, as never before. They show the stuff he is made of. He will not swerve from doing the right thing irrespective of the favours or frowns of the people or of the powers that be. He risked self-effacement but was ultimately crowned with glory. No wonder that those who opposed and hurled abuses at him showered flowers and began to rally round his flag. When we see a sorry spectacle of split and blckerings in the Congress Party and tussle between the Parliamentary and Organizational wings in some states in the country, we see in Maharashtra the happy establishment of smooth and harmonious relations between these two wings. The guidance and statesmanship of Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan have no mean part in bringing it about.
He has been successful in gathering round him a large following of young and enthusiastic workers to strengthen the Congress Organization and go ahead with the work of reconstruction of Maharashtra on a socialistic pattern of Society. It is always the young blood that gives strength and vigour to a nation or society. For the spirit of self-sacrifice, hardwork, steadfastness of purpose and devoted dedication to the cause of the country, it has the inspiring personality of Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan by its side and his able guidance ever at its door.
The nation has very high expectations from him. May God give him long life to enable him to render greater services to the country. On the eve of the celebrations of his 48th birthday, I wish him, for the benefit of all, many many returns of this happy day.