India Foreign Policy - ८१

Era of Co-operation

After the successful conclusion of the Helsinki Conference, a new era of peace and co-operation has begun in Europe. We welcome it. But as we have said all along, detente to be effective and lasting must be universal in character and must come to all regions of the world. It is necessary not only to liquidate the remaining vestiges of colonialism but also to create a climate which would assure to the developing countries their freedom and sovereignty and the right and opportunity to ex­ploit their natural resources for the progress and welfare of their own people.

In a world marked by wide economic disparities and unequal trade patterns, there is an urgent need to give practical and concrete shape to the solidarity of Afro-Asian people in order to bring about a new international economic order. Even today, the developing countries do not get a fair price for their raw materials and products. They get merely thirty million dollars for products which fetch ultimately a price of two hundred million dollars.

The recently concluded seventh special session of U.N. Gene­ral Assembly succeeded in evolving a consensus on the esta­blishment of a new international economic order. Much however remains to be done. Enhanced co-operation among developing countries will be a very effective way of promoting our solida­rity to the benefit of all concerned.

India has not only declared but has consistently worked in her relations with neighbours and others, for building durable peace, understanding and co-operation. India hopes that develop­ing countries in this region as well as outside will be able to work out their destinies without any outside interference. What Nehru said at Bandung in 1955 is even more relevant in today's fast-changing world. He said:

"We are determined not to fail. We are determined in this new phase of Asia and Africa, to make good. We are determined not to be dominated in any way by any other country or continent. We are determined to bring happiness and prosperity to our people and to discard the age-old shackles that have tied us not only politically but economi­cally — the shackles of colonialism and other shackles of our own making."

We are determined to do all this and more.

यशवंतराव चव्हाण सेंटर

जन.जगन्नाथराव भोसले मार्ग,
नरिमन पॉईंट, मुंबई – ४०००२१

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