India Foreign Policy - १२५

What is your view of the Cyprus problem?

We are extremely distressed that the unhappy crisis through which the Government and the people of the Cyprus are now passing has not yet ended. Non-aligned countries have not only stood by Cyprus in its hours of travail but have also made a significant contribution to the efforts being made through the United Nations for an early and harmonious solution. We ear­nestly hope that the talks between the two communities will produce positive results soon. We would like to see the indepen­dence, sovereignty, integrity and non-alignment of Cyprus fully safeguarded.

"Detente" & Decolonisation

How do you think the victory of the Indo-Chinese people will affect the activity and position of the non-aligned countries?

As you are aware, the non-aligned countries have from the beginning been supporting the just struggle of the people of Indo-China. The people of these countries will now be able to turn to the task of national reconstruction, after the sufferings and ravages of over 30 years of bitter struggle. The non-aligned countries should not be found wanting in giving their full moral and material support to this endeavour.

In what ways does detente affect the position and role of the non-aligned countries in the international community?

The process of detente has been welcomed by the non-aligned countries. You will recall that ever since the first conference held in Belgrade in 1961 under President Tito's leadership, we have been advocating peaceful co-existence and the ending of the "cold war". Therefore, the current trends for increasing dialogue between the major powers and relaxation of tensions are positive signs.

The contribution which non-aligned countries like Yugoslavia have been making at the European conference is particularly signi­ficant. At the same time, many areas of crises and tension still persist in the world; detente will become meaningful and endur­ing only when it extends to all parts of the world and when all countries, small or big, are able to play their legitimate part in the making of decisions affecting their future.

यशवंतराव चव्हाण सेंटर

जन.जगन्नाथराव भोसले मार्ग,
नरिमन पॉईंट, मुंबई – ४०००२१

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