India Foreign Policy - १२४

Position on international questions

Which questions will, in your opinion, be the dominant ones at the forthcoming ministerial meeting of the Non-aligned Coun­tries in Lima?

The Lima Conference will be taking place two years after the fourth summit conference held at Algiers. It will naturally review the international situation — both in the political and economic spheres — and assess the further contribution that non-aligned countries can and should make for promoting international co-­operation for achieving peace and progress.

The victory of the heroic people of Indo-China is a historic development; in this context developments in the whole of South east Asia will receive particular attention. The question of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace will also be discussed. The continuing crisis in west Asia and the situation in Latin America will receive high priority, in addition to other issues such as the situation in Cyprus and decolonisation. On the economic side, the need for further action to be taken to bring about a more rational and just world economic order will engage the attention of the conference. In this connection, the problem of the non­-aligned countries seriously affected by the recent economic crisis and the need for promoting mutual co-operation among them will be given priority consideration.

What can the non-aligned countries be expected to do for the solution of the middle east crisis?

The position that non-aligned countries have consistently taken in regard to the situation in West Asia is well known. The Lima conference will, therefore, make an up-to-date assessment. Apart from reaffirming its solidarity with our Arab friends in their efforts to vindicate their rights, the conference will also consider concrete measures for achieving this objective. The non-aligned countries should continue to work together with the Arab coun­tries in the U.N. and other international forum to achieve the evacuation of all Arab territories occupied by aggression by Israel and the restoration of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.

यशवंतराव चव्हाण सेंटर

जन.जगन्नाथराव भोसले मार्ग,
नरिमन पॉईंट, मुंबई – ४०००२१

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