India Foreign Policy - १२१

Basic Objectives

While there is a continuous expansion of the area of Non­-alignment in the world, there are also signs of some confusion about what it actually stands for. What is the social content of non-alignment which acts as a binding force for its adherents?

The fundamental principles and basic objectives of non­-alignment are the same as before. There is — and should be —  no confusion about this. The non-aligned countries are determined to safeguard their independence and sovereignty against all foreign intervention and pressure. They are also committed to strive ceaselessly to promote world peace and security. This is the reason why they stressed the need for peaceful co-existence even during the days of the "cold war", and continue to emphasise peaceful co-operation among all nations on the basis of sovereign equality. The endeavour of the non-aligned countries has always been to make a constructive contribution to the solution of world problems in a spirit of harmony and co-operation.

The non-aligned countries belong to different regions of the world and follow diverse political, economic and social systems. Nonetheless, they all share the same ideals and aspirations to which I have just referred. This is the binding force that keeps the non-aligned countries together.

The Lima Conference will have to take "follow up" action on the Co-ordination Bureau's recommendations regarding the membership of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (Hanoi). Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (Saigon), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Pyongyang), and some other countries of Asia and the Pacific regions. What is India’s position with regard to these applications? Since the question of the U.N. membership of North and South Vietnams has already come up before the U.N. Security Council, should not the Lima Conference express its opinion on this issue?

Together with other non-aligned countries, India will be happy to welcome in its midst any country which adheres to the principles of non-alignment and wishes to join us in our common efforts for world peace and co-operation. Ever since 1961, when the first non-aligned conference was held at Belgrade, we have been strictly following certain criteria for inviting countries to participate in our forums. These criteria reflect the essence of the principles of non-alignment. All requests from countries which wish to join the non-aligned conference will be considered in the light of these criteria. As you know, our practice is to reach decisions by a process of consultation and consensus.

The non-aligned co-ordination committee in New York has already publicly declared its support to the admission of both North and South Vietnams to the United Nations. I expect that the Lima Conference will also express itself in the same spirit.

यशवंतराव चव्हाण सेंटर

जन.जगन्नाथराव भोसले मार्ग,
नरिमन पॉईंट, मुंबई – ४०००२१

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