Oral history transcript 57

Sharma : Do you think there is decline in moral values…?

Chavan : Well, I do not know because that is rather a very high sounding subject. Elections, election practices, people's requirements have become different. Nowadays one has to go and meet the people and talk to them for that one needs transport. Intensive propaganda is to be done.

Sharma : I think this is a question of questions. Why the people who led the independence movemert and whom the people trusted immensely have changed? This is not a question of A.B.C, but the general attitude of the people towards political workers is one of suspicion. Why has it come about?

Chavan : It has come because in 1946, when we fought the election on behalf of the party, though we formed the Government, it was to fight the imperialist power. Later, it become a question of sharing power. So the values changed. I think that happens in every country. It is not an exception in India. I would say, in India it happened rather early.

Sharma : But it is a steep decline.

Chavan : It  is, I do admit.

Sharma : One may say that tyagis have become bhogis.

Chavan : I would say that is the process.

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