समग्र साहित्य सूची ५९


Part I  -  Assembly Debates

1) Fragmentation of land: a disaster

2) Role of the Police praised, better deal recommended.

3) Police force in districts

4) Food Subsidy inevitable

5) Controls essential

6) Removal of Controls

7) Civil Supplies Department

8) Estimates Committee’s Economy Recommendations

9) Remuneration to elected members of Local Bodies

10) Rehabilitation of retrenched Civil Supplies personnel

11) Town Planning

12) Jurisdictions of Collector and District Judge

13) Water supply to public and Bombay Port Trust

14) Discussion on Governor’s Address

15) Supressed accommodation to the first informant

16) Village Panchayat for every village

17) Adult franchise for municipal elections and funds for schemes

18) Accommodation and the evil of pugree

19) Additional grants to Village Panchayats

20) Controls and Centre’s food aid

21) Representation of the People’s Act

22) Acquisition and requisition of immovable properties

यशवंतराव चव्हाण सेंटर

जन.जगन्नाथराव भोसले मार्ग,
नरिमन पॉईंट, मुंबई – ४०००२१

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