Well, Madam, these are some of the more important points that some of the hon. Members made. I can only say to them that the problem of India’s defence is a continuous problem, for which a continuous effort will he necessary, for which, as some Member very rightly said, our scientific effort, technological development and economic development also are material factors. You cannot create morale by giving them lectures about patriotism, about fighting in war, and they do not get prepared for it. I must give credit for one good point that the hon. Shri. Mani said objectively; he said that he gave credit to my predecessor about his emphasis on the approach to local defence production. I think that was very much correct because it is the capacity and capability of a country to produce its own material that are, really speaking, going to help us ultimately. As I have mentioned in my statement on the defence preparedness, we really wanted to make preparations by starting some six new factories. But, you know, how helpless we were.
Then again, somebody made a mention - I think it was Shri Mani - about the surrender of the financial allotments, etc., but this is not something new that happens. I think in a government administration this is a normal feature. Surrenders are there. I must say as a precaution for myself that this time you have given me hundreds of crores. I cannot guarantee that I would not make any surrender because that would be a wrong thing to do. I can certainly say— I have made some study of these things— that this surrender was less than what was before, that is five years before, because surrenders are in every department. It is not only in the Defence Ministry.
...I would only assure this hon. House that I am not trying to reply to the debate in the spirit of giving replies or in a spirit of explaining away things. I am only trying to say that this country needs an attitude of objectivity to have a self-approval or self-criticism so that not only does the Army get prepared for any adverse circumstances that may come but we prepare our whole nation and face them bravely.