Speeches in Parliament Vol. (IV)-33

Shri Vasant Sathe : You can call it ‘Advaita’.

Shri Y B. Chavan
I do not know this complication of ‘Advaita’ and ‘Dvaita’. I better keep it aside., I quite agree as far as the different aspect of policy of the nation are concerned, there is complete ‘Advaita’. You cannot make distinction between economic policy, political policy and international policy. These are not three different compartments. They are three faces of the same body -. Trimurti. Possibly you can call it that way. This is what we have to think about at the present moment. The President’s Address has taken the general review of the world situation and emphasised that we want to pursue our basic policies of supporting detente supporting non-aligned movement, supporting our neighbouring countries, supporting the progressive causes of Arabs, the cause of justice of Arabs, build up friendship with our Arab friends, with Iran, with neighbouring countries and even with Pakistan. We have said that Simla spirit is a basic plank of our foreign policy. We have made attempts and we will continue to make attempts. I would say, positive efforts to improve the relations. Well, I hope, as I said before that we will get a positive response from our Pakistani friends but it seems they are very slow in their response, whether by result of sheer habit or by their deliberate policy I do not know, because from what one can see from the speeches that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shri Bhutto made in Sri Lanka it looked as if he has still some reservations about India. But we have got patience because we believe in the Simla spirit. That is the only way we resolve our problems. Pakistan and we are so near to each other that we have no other way but to co-operate with each other. The problems of the people of Pakistan and the problems of the people of India are the same problems. Therefore, we have no other alternative but to be friends and to be co-operative with each other and this is exactly what we understand by the Simla spirit, by detente and by co-existence. Ultimately they are different names but it is the same policy of co-operation. We want to follow this policy in the international field. But let me warn the House again that this foreign policy will succeed provided we are strong in economic and political policy in the country. A country which is strong at home can have better image outside India. Some people come and say what about your image ! This image theory is a very interesting theory. Your image can be what you are. As some great man told the artist to paint him as he is. Well, we will certainly be, what we are, but what we are, is not what we are outside the country. We are, what we are inside the country.

Therefore, Sir, with the other measures of policy that have been laid down and I think by making use of the new important phase in our national history, trying to do some creative thinking, and trying to take some creative steps so that this game of obstacles which was going on for some time and endangering the democracy will disappear, democracy in its real spirit will succeed ultimately.

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