Speeches in Parliament Vol. (IV)-14

I think Shri Madhavrao Scindia has criticised America. But, I think, he could not do anything else because now America is supporting Pakistan (Interruptions).

Shri Madhavrao Scindia : What I want to ask you is this. You said that Bangladesh war should be looked at in the context of the emergence of Sovereign Bangladesh. I take it that when war took place, the Government of India had entirely dismissed from their mind the recovery of occupied land in Kashmir. Has the Govt. written off Kashmir? This is may first point. Secondly, I take it that the brave jawans died only for Bangladesh and for their country. How can you conduct a war in compartments. Am I to take it that in this war, the jawans fought and died only for Bangladesh and not for our country?

Shri Y. B. Chavan : Look, Pakistan made an aggression against us. When was it started? Don’t forget the history of Bangladesh. What Bangbandhu Mujibur Rehman was doing was a different thing. But, India entered into war only when there was aggression against India. Do not forget this. You will please re-read the Simla Agreement. You will know that we have not given up this position. Naturally, we have said that these questions will have to be peacefully negotiated to which Mr. Bhutto is a party. (Interruptions). I do not want to enter into a dialogue on this here. Sometimes we can meet and discuss when we can try to convince you. So, the point I was making was this. As far as Pakistan is concerned, unfortunately, they have taken a wrong position. The reason is the supply of arms to them. That certainly has created certain difficulties. But, still, it is our policy that despite our difficulties, we shall continue to make efforts to normalise our relations with Pakistan because we believe in friendship with Pakistan and our efforts will be deliberately and consciously towards strengthening  our relations in that direction.

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