Speeches in Parliament Vol. (III)-17

I do not think that everything that was necessary to be done has already been done, but we are pushing in that direction, very firmly and with full knowledge of what we have to do it.

Then he said that this idea of selective credit control is wrong. I do not know how total control functions. We have got some experience of undertaking controls we have come to this idea that we have to think in terms of selective controls. That we are doing. Well, he has certainly mentioned some idea about demonetisation. I think there are suggestions before the country, for so many years. I cannot say. If people start a scare that Rs.100 has got to be demonetised, it creates a panic in the society.

Shri Akbar Ali Khan : He said Rs.1000.

Shri Y. B. Chavan
: He said Rs.1000. We did it in 1947 or 1948, I do not know with what result. Of course he has made that suggestion. Of course I did not expect much in a speech of ten or fifteen minutes but I would request Shri Sardesai that if he has any specific ideas, I would very much welcome them. It is not merely a question of analysis of what is wrong because I think practically all of us know what is wrong, we know some of the factors. The question is how to get over it. Looking into the present picture of the economy if he has got any useful suggestions, I can assure him...

Shri Akbar ali Khan : What about reducing the size of the big Ministries?

Shri Y. B. Chavan : Certainly he has made some suggestions. I think the Administrative Reforms Commission has considered all these aspects. They have suggested breaking up of some of the parts of certain Ministries and something is being done. So far the judiciary was in the Home Ministry. Now Judiciary and Law have been combined. If there are rational steps to be taken, they will be taken. This is a matter which has to be constantly reviewed. There is nothing like a static view about the type of administrative machinery we should have. We have to constantly review it. That will be reviewed, I have no doubt about that.

I generally thank Hon. Members who have made contributions to this debate and those who have made good suggestions.

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