tytI take the responsibility for agreeing with that assessment of his. He made an assessment of all those things that happened during that week or so and he took the view that they were the result of statements made by - I am not holding all the leaders responsible - leaders or members of the Sangharsh Samiti that was. formed, the inflammatory speeches that were made by them and the destruction of property that took place as a result thereof. In the light of all this the Governor had the fear that if any party was asked to form the Government, there would be further disturbances, and therefore he did not want to ask the Opposition parties also to form the Government. This exactly the view he took and this is mentioned in the report, in the statement which I have placed on the Table of the House. In these circumstances, when the Governor had invited a person and he refused to form the government for reasons best known to him, the Governor, on his own assessment of the situation, did not want the Opposition to form the Government.
So the only remaining alternative before us was either to dissolve the House, or to temporarily suspend it and wait for normalcy to return to the State so that a responsible Government could be formed then. So we took the latter or last view.
In reply to questions raised by Shri A. P. Chatterjee :
Shri Y. B. Chavan : Sir, as the honble Member tried to raise some interesting points, I am afraid he has misread the Constitution. His point is that there was no Council of Minister, that the Governor had no occasion to use his individual judgement. That is the point that he was making, and that he made a recommendation on the advice of the Council of Minister.
That is not true. Sir, the whole position is misunderstood. Some people might ask why the Governor waited for seven or eight days. As a matter of fact the old Assembly was dissolved on 28th February, 1967 and the question of formation of Government afterwards only after the 28th and the other process started. Here in this matter of forming government the ...
Shri Bhupesh Gupta : Undertaker government.
Shri Y. B. Chavan : Caretaker government was a caretaker government. The matter of forming a government is a completely new process. In this matter the Governor has to depend on his own judgement. Here he does not take the advice of the Council of Ministers. He has misunderstood the Constitution.
Shri Bhupesh Gupta : Undertaker Government.