Speeches in Parliament Vol. (II)-20

When I said ‘gift of the Congress party’, the Congress represented the entire people... ( Interruptions). When we were not winning at these elections, we were not sad. After the elections, when we were in the process of getting results and knowing the defeat of one Congressman after another, I was asked for my reaction in one sentence and I said: I am sorry that the Congress was defeated, but, I am proud that the country has done well. Maybe, we were defeated here or there.... This is a large election; we were defeated here and there. (Interruption) Not everywhere. We were not defeated everywhere. The proof is that we are sitting here, and you do not like that. Therefore, you have moved a no-confidence motion. (Interruption) This is proof, that we are sitting here. Wherever you have your own government, run them properly; do service to the people. We all want to do service to the people. Let the people judge. You ask and let the country develop. Let the progress of the people, the march of the peoples progress go ahead. We are not bothered about whether one party remains or the other party remains. It is not that. 

The hon. Member Shri Dange said, and that is very important, that he has got one Member in Rajasthan but he is supporting it because of tactics. I hope his speech was also one of tactics. When everything becomes tactics one does not know what the strategy, what the philosophy behind it is. What is the positive approach to the problem. He made mention of me. He said that I am a big question mark. I am so proud that I am still a question-mark to Shri Dange. They have the habit of trying to put down any party and individual to a formula. I am very glad that Shri Dange has not yet found a formula for me. I have some hope of succeeding as Home Minister. My party knows me; my leader knows me, and I am sure my country knows me. (Interruption). I am a humble servant of this country. I am a humble follower of my leader. I stand for democracy; I stand for progress; I stand for the welfare of the people. My people know me very well. If nobody can reduce me to any formula, I am very glad about it. But this Government has got a philosophy of its own; it has an approach of its own. Through thick and thin, and in difficult times, we stand by that philosophy.

One saddest speech I heard. And that was the speech of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia. He is not present here today. Why do I say that it was a sad, rather tragic speech? It is not what he said; I am not going to say about that. He is one of those leaders which my generation held in esteem. In the 1940s and 1942s, we looked up for a second line of leadership after Pandit Nehru, and we were looking up to Dr. Lohia, Shri Jai Prakash Narain and other people. We have respect for them; we worshipped them at that time. We worshipped, as young men those leaders.

An Hon. Member : Masani also.

Shri Y. B. Chavan : Unfortunately no. I heard the speech of Dr. Lohia, which he made yesterday.

Eloquent sentence - a rather tragic utterance. He said that a big fort is being destroyed, but there is nothing to replace it. That is the tragedy of it; with all the experience, with all his intelligence, with all capabilities and devotion, he has only learnt to destroy and not to create. He was very happy that the Congress was defeated. If that is the only consolation, you have in mind, we will be fail the country. Destroy the Congress if you want and if you can. But what is there to substitute it? (Interruption) Coalition? You are going to substitute coalition? Look here, my friends from the Swatantra party. You may be very happy and I will certainly make an appeal to Shri Dange; it may help him as a tactician in Rajasthan. But what is the picture for the future?

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