Speeches in the State Legislatures : 1946-62-7

A new era of planning was ushered in and Shri Chavan was placed in charge of Planning and Community Development which portfolios he discharged with great resourcefulness.

Two years after, as Minister of Local Self-Government, Shri Chavan introduced a Bill to consolidate and amend the law for the making and execution of Town Planning Scheme. While speaking on this Bill he pointed out how this question of planning of industrial loans is tackled. He emphasized the paramountcy of adopting this Bill and recalled how the conference of all Improvement Trusts held in 1948 had held a thorough survey of all small towns. He elucidated the general features of the Bill which included the Development Plan, the Town Planning Scheme and co-related points.

Replying to a debate on the Governor’s Address on 18 February 1955, Shri Chavan pointed that compared to the prices of cereals in other States, the prices of cereals in Bombay State were quite reasonable and that even though Bombay State was a deficit State in regard to foodgrains, there was nothing so alarming that the Opposition should raise a hue and cry. He added that before expecting the fanners to produce more we had to provide them with facilities to store foodgrains, supply them with better inputs to enhance production. Finally Shri Chavan assured that it was the avowed intention of the Government to broaden the scope of Gram Panchayats by bestowing more autonomy on them.

In his speech made on 23 February 1955 while justifying the demands for additional funds for extra staff for Accommodation Department, Shri Chavan explained how the department had to tackle applications made by thousands of persons in respect of suppressed vacancies of tenements and added that it was important in the light of Supreme Court’s verdict to allot the vacant flats to the first informant. Shri Chavan also pointed out that such a measure was essential in view of the evil system of pugree.

Introducing the Bill to amend the District Municipal Act 1901 and the Municipal Boroughs Act 1925 on 19 July 1955, Shri Chavan delivered a speech to bring home the importance of adult franchise by doing away with the business and taxation qualifications in the elections to the municipalities.

In reply to a Cut Motion tabled by Shri N. C. Bharucha and others to repeal the Bombay Land Requisition Act 1949, Shri Y. B. Chavan as Minister for Local Self-Government and Accommodation gave stress on the democratic aspect of the legislation and how it was essential to secure residential accommodation to the needy by putting a check to the evil of pugree system. Speaking on additional grants sanctioned to Village Panchayats on 12 September 1955, Shri Chavan observed that it was very necessary that these grants should be spent by the Panchayats judiciously.

In reply to criticism from Opposition regarding controls on foodgrains and demand for decontrol, Shri Chavan defended the Government policy vis-a-vis the charges made by Shri B. C. Kamble in particular. Shri Chavan laid emphasis on the need to import foodgrains from abroad and even make good the deficit by asking for subsidy from the Centre. Unsatisfactory rainfall also contributed to the difficulties which is why, Shri Chavan concluded, additional expenditure had to be incurred for procurement of foodgrains and their imports.

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